When Should You Consider a Direct Mail Campaign?

When Should You Consider a Direct Mail Campaign?

When Should You Consider a Direct Mail Campaign?

Business owners understandably put most of their energy into digital marketing campaigns. After all, isn’t this how they will reach a much bigger audience? Well, technically yes, but there are a number of good reasons to consider a direct mail campaign too. According to the good folk at Full Tilt Direct, direct mail marketing still has its place in the world and is something, that as a business owner, you should not neglect. 

Is Your Digital Marketing Working? 

Although there are many reasons and ways to implement digital marketing strategies, such as email marketing and social media advertising, these may not always work as anticipated. Poorly run digital campaigns make it difficult to achieve goals and you might feel as though you are simply throwing money away if you are not getting much return on your investment. 

Some companies have unrealistic expectations, particularly when first starting out, and they assume that they can reach a massive worldwide audience by, for example, using social media. Some do not even really know who their target audience is, which can present real problems. It is better to focus on a local audience in the early days, and the absolute best way to do this is with a direct mail campaign. 

How Will Direct Mail Benefit Your Business? 

Direct mail is the perfect advertising solution for a company that wants to reach a local audience. It can help to introduce a new business to the local community and give them an idea of what the company’s core values are as well as the products and services it provides. 

For established businesses, direct mail is also beneficial, particularly as many customers still prefer this form of advertising over online ads. A company that sends out direct mail such as flyers, brochures, or leaflets is often seen as trustworthy. Furthermore, the inclusion of a physical address helps to build this trust, especially as many people are skeptical of online scams. 

The recall is typically higher for tangible forms of advertising than it is for digital media. Holding a piece of direct mail in your hand is far more memorable than scanning over an email. This is why the response rate for direct mail tends to be higher than it is for email advertisements. 

Direct mail allows you to target your intended audience. You can include or exclude addresses based on certain demographics, such as: 

  • age
  • gender
  • homeowners or renters
  • pet owners
  • parents
  • home values. 

Those who use direct mail marketing often do so because of its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. All a company needs to do is identify their target audience and the message they want to convey. They can work with a printer who will help them design the printed material and then it can simply be handed to the target audience or mailed to them. 

Another benefit of direct mail is the fact that it will usually be seen by the intended target. This can be one of the biggest problems with digital advertising because of how “crowded” the digital world is. Physical mail allows companies to stand out, especially as most people only get small amounts of mail every day as compared to the hundreds of emails they might receive. 

To conclude, if your company is struggling to get noticed and you feel that your digital advertising is not working as you had hoped, it might be worth considering a direct mail advertising campaign. This is something that you can do as a standalone marketing strategy or alongside digital advertising. In fact, combining both will help you to reach more people.

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